Hi, I’m Meri Korhonen and I started as a research assistant in the group of Polar and marine research couple months ago, in the beginning of April.

I grew up in Helsinki, Finland and I also studied and received my MSc in hydrospheric geophysics from the University of Helsinki. After my studies I worked in the Finnish Meteorological Institute focusing on the oceanography of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. My tasks included also hydrological monitoring of the Baltic Sea. During my time in FMI, I participated in three expeditions to the Arctic, one expedition to the North Atlantic and several short research cruises to the Baltic Sea.
I’m particularly interested in mixing and modification of water masses and my research on the stratification of the upper ocean has led to collaboration in several studies concentrating on biogeochemical properties of the ocean. I have enjoyed the interdisciplinary approach as I believe looking at the systems as a whole is a more natural way for me to think than concentrating only on one aspect. After all, it is fascinating to know how the physical processes influence everything!
More recently I was employed by the University of Hamburg to develop quality control methods for hydrological observations. It was a pleasure to work on a task with such a clear and practical aim, but as I was missing the Arctic and craving to return to field work, this position as research assistant at IGF sounded like a perfect opportunity for me.
In addition to taking care of oceanographic measurements in Hornsund, I will be responsible of processing the hydrological observations and storing them to the database. I believe the projects I am involved in at IGF, RAW (Glaciers Retreat and fjords Wither) and ReLoad with focus on heavy metal discharge into the fjords, offer great opportunities for continuing and developing interdisciplinary research. Furthermore, after concentrating on large scale physical properties of the Arctic, I am keen to learn about the more limited fjord system and the processes relating to, for example, ocean-glacier interaction.
Right now I’m getting excited and looking forward to my stay in Hornsund this summer!