Hi, my name is Vineet and I started as an Adiunkt in the “RAW” project of the Department of Polar and Marine Research from June.

I have a PhD in Physical Oceanography from CSIR- National Institute of Oceanography (CSIR-NIO), India. My thesis had two main components – tracking high-salinity watermasses in the North Indian Ocean, and studying the effect of salinity and Rossby waves on the mixed layer processes in the Bay of Bengal. I used Modular Ocean Model (MOM) simulations for studying the mixed layer.
After PhD, I worked as a Project Associate for the COSINE (Current Observations and Simulations in the Indian EEZ) and ECO-IOD (Equatorial Current Observations for Indian Ocean Dynamics) projects in the Physical Oceanography Division of CSIR-NIO. The work included processing and analyses of the data from moored ADCPs. I have participated in 3 scientific cruises in the coastal and equatorial Indian Ocean.
I am excited about the field work in the Arctic, and keen to learn more about the fjord hydrography using in-situ data and modeling. Apart from work, I am looking forward to enjoying the local food and sights while the summer lasts.