Słowo od Dyrekcji – Dyrektor IGF PAN, prof. dr hab. inż. Beata Orlecka-Sikora

Fragment podsumowania odbiorów, wygłoszonego przez Panią Dyrektor Beatę Orlecką-Sikorę:

I wish to thank all of you for all very interesting presentations, active participation in the discussions, your comments, suggestions, ideas, and also openness for new solutions. I very much appreciate the involvement of our Advisory Board and that they dedicated your time to listen to our achievements and also problems raised during these 4 days.

I am satisfied with the completed picture of our activities which has been mapped in regard to the main research topics in IGF PAS. We have highlighted our role as potential players in the fields which are also important for the whole scientific community dealing with Earth sciences. We explore and contribute towards and provide solutions to global challenges like natural and anthropogenic multihazard and risk, environmental change adaptation, and georesources management. 

I see also many plans, some of them are matured enough to construct a long term research program and apply for external funding. We have entered the other level of our work in IGF, building our scientific potential in a more comprehensive way, and also I see that the strategy of internal collaboration is already in place. I am sure that soon we will benefit from these all solutions. I would expect now the follow-up from the first stage of the topic division activities in the form of the scientific strategy which will include the strategic partnership, together with the scientific communication, promotion, and educational components, as well as the data science infrastructure. And later also to see open-discussion meetings/seminars and conferences.

From the management perspective, we will support the possibilities of realization of these all plans. We have to do our best to deliver world-leading research in Earth Sciences. The evaluation of our institute will be in 1.5 years. We need to keep the momentum. We all have to strengthen our activities to pass this evaluation with the highest possible rank. The competitions are very strong, our competitors are also very active and very good. The hard task ahead of us to keep a present winner title but I think that together we are able to do it.

I wish you to take everything the best to be effective from the present way of working. Take a rest during holidays and stay healthy.

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